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Lag en profesjonell CV med AI

Bruk profesjonelle testede CV-maler som følger de eksakte «CV-reglene» arbeidsgivere ser etter. Enkel å bruke og ferdig på få minutter – prøv nå gratis! Last ned i PDF-format.

OK Media - Example


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Å bruke CVwisely gjorde det til en lek å lage CV-en min! De brukervennlige malene og det profesjonelle designet hjalp meg med å få intervjuet til drømmejobben min.



Takket være cvwisely.com gikk CV-en min fra enkel til kraftig – anbefales absolutt!



Å bygge en CV pleide å være så tidkrevende, men CVwisely gjorde det raskt og enkelt. Det intuitive grensesnittet hjalp meg med å lage en CV på under 30 minutter.



Trodde aldri jeg skulle trenge en fancy CV for en lagerjobb, men CVwiselys enkle byggetrinn hjalp meg med å vise frem ferdighetene mine.



Det er en fin og brukervennlig plattform. Anbefalt.



Meget god CV-byggeplattform. De profesjonelle CV-malene gjorde det enkelt å vise frem ferdighetene mine. Takk skal du ha!

Lag en profesjonell CV raskt og enkelt.

Vis frem ferdighetene og erfaringene dine for å få drømmejobben.


Enkelt å redigere på nett

Plattformen vår lar deg bygge en enestående CV på få minutter. Rediger og tilpass CV-en din enkelt på nettet, klar til å imponere mulige arbeidsgivere.


Dra og slipp

Vår dra-og-slipp-funksjonalitet gjør det veldig enkelt å lage CV-en. Organiser dine ferdigheter, erfaring, språk, hobbyer, utdanning og arbeidserfaring enkelt.


Lag ubegrensede CV-er

Bygg og last ned ubegrensede CV-er. Søk med selvtillit – skreddersy CV-en for enhver mulighet.


Last ned CV-en i PDF-format

Last den ned umiddelbart som en ren PDF, og begynn å søke på en jobb på få minutter.

Create a job-worthy resume quickly and easily.

Asked Questions

Still need help? Contact Us.

How do I log in to the platform?

From any page on our website (including this one!).
Look to the top right of the page. You’ll see a ‘log in’ button. Simply click this and you’ll be taken straight to the log in page.

Haven’t signed up yet? Get your free account by just clicking ‘sign up’.
Once you’re inside, you can easily create an employer-friendly CV, step by step.

What does it cost to use CV Wisely?

It’s free to start and use our step-by-step CV builder to create your CV online.

There’s no time limit. You can spend however long you need building a CV for free using a customisable template.

Upgrade to the Pro Plan and you’ll be able to:

Download CVs as PDFs, ready to apply for jobs

Get access to unlimited free premium templates and colours

Make as many CVs as you like (so you can tailor them to each job application, and increase your chances of getting that job).

Get on the Pro Plan and increase your chances of securing your dream job faster.
You can cancel the Pro Plan at any time.

Can I save my work and return later to edit my CV again?


Your CV will automatically save while you work on it. So you can come back as many times as you need.
Even if you get your CV finished in one session, we recommend giving it at least a few hours before you do a final proofread with fresh eyes. Otherwise, it’s easy to miss small mistakes.

How do I change my CV template?

To use our full collection of CV templates, you’ll need to be on our Pro Plan (free users only get our standard template).
To choose your template, make sure you’re logged in to your account.

Next, click on the CV you’d like to change the template for.
Go to ‘settings’ and you’ll see all your templates listed, along with custom colours and fonts.

How can I download my CV?

To download your CV as a PDF, ready to send to employers, log in and go to your dashboard.

Click on the CV you would like to download. Click the ‘download’ button (top right of the page if you’re on desktop).
If you already have the Pro Plan, your download will start automatically. And you can download as many CVs as you need, as often as you like

Got a free account? You’ll need to get the Pro Plan to be able to download your CV.

How can I cancel my Pro Plan subscription?

Log in to your account.

Click ‘settings’ (you should see this towards the bottom left of your screen on desktop).

This will take you to your profile where you’ll see a ‘cancel subscription’ button.

If you’re cancelling because you’ve found your ideal job – congratulations 🎉

But if it’s because something is not working for you on the platform, we’d love to know.

Fill out our contact form to give us feedback or ask a question.

© 2025 CV Wisely, Alle Rettigheter Forbeholdt